Тексты песен
Now, be free
the sky must have fallen
when I couldn't see
your life's weak strain
I take a step back
and you've fallen again
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Reaching From Nowhere
How can I be telling you my thoughts my love
When even I don't know what I'm thinking
How can I explain the way your eyes
Burn into my mind, my love
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It's Your Life
We had this dream
locked behind these wicked thoughts
you and I
we felt pain
passed from him, to me, to you
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Gentleman Who Fell
Reaching over
life to life
feeling sugared skin
my poor baby
kissed him so
to ashamed to lift his chin
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The Alien Song (for those who listen)
I see a shining....
A sweeping from the clouds
A glimmer of hope
is coming to feel our light
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